What Does a Web Designer Do
October 7, 2022 No Comments Web Development Tarhib IT

User Experience is key, regardless of any website. People choose whether to stay on a webpage within a few seconds. So, impressive web pages which are attractive to look at and easy to interact with are something website owners want. Here are the rules of a web designer. 

Have you ever wondered what a web designer does? Or how crucial a role of a web developer is. 

Let’s read this article. 

Who Is a Web Designer? 

A web developer is a person who has all the duties to create and design web pages while keeping the perfect layouts as well. In this sense, you can also consider the web developer as an artist who analyzes the design and lets the client get the perfect outer looks of the web pages. 

Some people mess up web designers and web developers. There are differences between the roles of these two jobs. A web developer’s main job is to structure a website’s core components. On the other hand, a web designer works with the visual aspect of a website. 

However, there’s no donut that both the rules of a web developer and a web designer are equally important. 

What Does a Web Designer Do?

A web developer has to perform quite a lot of tasks at a time. However, the main purpose behind all the tasks is to ensure better-looking web pages with stunning layouts. 

In this part of this article, we’ll elaborate on some of the essential tasks of a web designer on a regular basis. 

  • Create Web Page Design

This is the core responsibility of a web designer.  He/She has to design the website, ensuring the user interface of the webpages stays interactive. To do so, a web designer must access a few advanced tools and learn programming languages. 

Furthermore, he needs to know how the elements to design webpages work. 

  • Meet With the Clients to Know Their Requirements

In different stages of the web design process, it is important for web designers to know the requirements of their clients. Every person has different wants and desires when it comes to web development, and as a web designer, you have to meet their requirements. 

Another core role a web designer can play is to provide clients with a sample of quite a few designs. A web designer can often help clients determine what type of web design will be pretty much sensible for their websites.

  • Image Editing and Retouching

So far, image editing is an unavoidable task in website design. That’s why a web designer should also have solid skills in image editing or retouching. And to do so, a web designer must also have prior knowledge of image editing software like Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe Illustrator, etc. 

In conclusion, a web designer can grow your business on a large scale. At the end of the day, if you cannot drive the attention of people through your website, you won’t find any benefit from your website.

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